Okinashima Station: Scene of Dr. NOGUCHI’s triumphant return
博士が1915年 (大正4)に、アメリカから帰国し15年ぶりに故郷の土を踏んだ最初のところです。駅前には歓迎アーチが飾られ、三城潟村までの沿道では花火が打ち上げられ、大勢の人たちから歓迎を受けました。
This is where Dr. NOGUCHI disembarked upon his return in 1915 (Taisho 4) after 15 years of research in the United States. The station and the neighboring areas were decorated with arches acclaiming and welcoming his return. Amid fireworks displays, he was enthusiastically greeted by throngs of well-wishers all the way to Sanjogata, his home village.

Village shrine: Hachiman Shrine
1915年 (大正4)、博士は帰国の報告を、この神社で行い、記念として境内に赤松を献木しました。また、1917年(大正6)に博士がチフスで危篤になったとき、村人や母シカがここに集まり、病気の回復を祈ったところです。近くには1921年(大正10)に書いた耕地整理記念碑や、1951年 (昭和25)創建の、「野口英世神社」があります。
Upon his return from overseas in 1915 (Taisho 4), Dr. NOGUCHI gave a speech thanking the people of his village for their support, and then planted a Japanese red pine tree in the shrine compound, as a living tribute. This is also where villagers as well as Dr. NOGUCHI’s mother, Shika, later gathered to pray for his recovery from severe symptoms of typhoid, which he had contracted in 1917 (Taisho 6) during his research. The shrine compound still houses the Noguchi Shrine, dedicated in 1950 (Showa 25), as well as the Reorganization of Arable Land Memorial, whose epigraph is based on Dr. NOGUCHI’s writings.

Choshoji Temple: The NOGUCHI family temple
博士やメリー夫人、両親や一族の墓があります。1915年 (大正4)九月八日、帰郷した博士は先祖の墓参りをして、村の一軒一軒に挨拶してから自宅に戻りました。
The graves of Dr. NOGUCHI, his wife, Mary, his parents, and his ancestors are located inside the temple compound. Following the welcome ceremony at his primary school to celebrate his return to his village on September 8, 1915 (Taisho 4) Dr. NOGUCHI proceeded to the temple to offer his prayers to his ancestors. He then paid a visit to each household in his village before retiring to his mother’s home. School principal Junjiro MATSUMOTO and his family were boarding at the temple during Hideyo’s primary school days, so Hideyo visited the temple almost every day for extra study under Mr. MATSUMOTO.

Ruins of Okinajima Primary School: Hideyo’s first alma mater
1915年(大正4)9月8日、郷里に帰った博士は、母校の翁島小学校での歓迎会に出席、翌々日の10日には児童たちに講演を行い、「目的 正直 忍耐」の言葉を、学校には「忍耐」「公徳」の書を寄贈しました。
On September 8, 1915 (Taisho4) Dr. NOGUCHI attended a welcome ceremony at his first alma mater. On the following day, he gave a speech to the schoolchildren about the importance of objectivity, honesty, and perseverance. He also presented the school with his handwritten calligraphy of “perseverance” and “public virtues.”

KashiranashiFudoson: A place of healing for Hideyo’s family
In those days, the fumes and smoke from wood fires in sunken hearths used for cooking and heating caused eye problems for many people. The Fudoson was frequented by Hideyo’s family to use the waterfall there as people talked about the efficacy of rinsing their eyes to heal.

Dr. NOGUCHI’s birth place and Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Museum
Hideyo was born on November 9, 1876 (Meiji9) as the eldest son of Sayosuke and Shika, his father and mother. Here, his childhood home has been preserved. On May 21, 1928 (Showa3), Dr. NOGUCHI succumbed to yellow fever in Accra, Ghana, while he was researching a cure. On June 29 of that year, after his memorial ceremony held in Tokyo, the idea for Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Museum was conceived, along with an organization to oversee the endeavor. The following year, decisions were made regarding the preservation of his childhood home, and a monument was erected. To educate future generations about Dr. NOGUCHI’s achievements, the museum, with various exhibits illustrating his tireless work, opened on May 21, 1939 (Showa14), the anniversary of his passing.

Inawashiro Station: Dr. NOGUCHI’s gateway to the wider world
1900年 (明治33)12月、郷里の人たちがアメリカに行く博士を見送った駅で、博士が世界に雄飛する出発点となったところです。因みに猪苗代駅は1899年 (明治32)7月15日に開業しました。
Inawashiro Station was inaugurated on July 15, 1899 (Meiji32). In December 1900 (Meiji 33), as his hometown supporters cheered him on, the station became the embarkation point for Dr. NOGUCHI’s journey to fulfill his life’s mission as a globally acclaimed scientist.

Minatoya: Welcome ceremony at Okinajima
On September 9, 1915 (Taisho4), throngs of enthusiastic villagers flooded Minatoya Inn (now Minatoya) for a homecoming ceremony for Dr. NOGUCHI.

Ruins of Kamegajo Castle: Hideyo’s childhood playground
The castle was the residence of the Sawara clan, who were granted control of the Aizu area as a reward for their help in subjugating Ohshu Province. It was an outpost of Tsurugajo Castle in Aizu-Wakamatsu, but it was demolished in 1868 (Meiji1). Located near the upper primary school where Hideyo studied, the area offered an enjoyable playground for children. A bust of Dr. NOGUCHI, presented by the United States, was erected in an elevated enclosure there.

Ruins of Inawashiro Upper Primary School: Hideyo’s second alma mater
1889年 (明治22)4月から1893年(明治26)3月までの4年間、博士が通った学校です。卒業するときに書いた博士の作文に感動した先生や生徒たちが、手術の費用を出してくれました。閉校されていた校舎で、1915年(大正4)9月13日、友人たちと記念撮影をしまいた。
Hideyo studied at the school for four years, from April 1889 (Meiji22) through March 1893. Impressed and moved by essays Hideyo composed at the time of his graduation, both teachers and students contributed toward Hideyo’ssurgical expenses to repair Hideyo’s left hand, which had been badly injured in a fire when he was a small child. Although the doors of the school had long been closed when Dr. NOGUCHI returned from overseas, he and his friends gathered there on September 13, 1915 (Taisho 4) for commemorative photo taking.

Residence of Sakae KOBAYASHI, Hideyo’s mentor
When Mr. KOBAYASHI came to Mitsuwa Primary School, which was later incorporated into the Okinajima School System, as a proctor, he quickly recognized Hideyo’s academic brilliance and ingenuity. He strongly recommended that Hideyo pursue higher education, and Mr. KOBAYASHI devoted his life to supporting Dr. NOGUCHI and his achievements. Additionally, after Dr. NOGUCHI’s passing, Mr. KOBAYASHI wasted no time in disseminating Dr. NOGUCHI’s achievements in an effort to discover a second or third Hideyo. To achieve this objective, Mr. KOBAYASHI cooperated with like-minded people toward the opening of the memorial museum.

Ruins of Edokame Inn: The inn where Dr. NOGUCHI and his classmates reunited.
On September 12, 1915 (Taisho 4), Dr. NOGUCHI and his classmates gathered at the inn for an alumni reunion. At that time, Hideyo named the gathering ‘chikuba-kai,’ meaning that they had sustained their strong bond since childhood. Members of the group not only encouraged Dr. NOGUCHI continue to work hard in his field but also cooperated toward the opening of InawashiroNisshinkan, a private educational institution, the advancement of regional development, and the eventual foundation of Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Museum.

Hanitsu Shrine: A place of worship for Hideyo
The shrine was founded to immortalize Masayuki HOSHINA, the first lord of the Aizu clan; succeeding lords are also enshrined there. The shrine was burned down in 1868 (Meiji 1) during the Boshin War, but the townspeople worked hard to rebuild it. When Dr. NOGUCHI returned home in 1915 (Taisho 4), he accompanied his mentor, Sakae KOBAYASHI, in a visit to the shrine to pay their respects. At that time, he took some photos.

Rokkakubashi: Where Hideyo parted from his mother and his mentor
In September 1895 (Meiji29), Hideyo’s mother and his mentor, Sakae KOBAYASHI, saw him off from the Rokkakubashi district of Inawashiro when he headed to Tokyo to take exams to become a doctor. After saying goodbye to his mentor, Hideyo then had to persuade his mother to overcome her natural protectiveness and allow him to proceed alone from there. This episode depicts well the depth of motherly love.

KobirakataTenmangu Shrine: A place where Hideyo found inspiration
Sugawara-no-Michizane, the patron saint of scholarship, is enshrined here, attracting many worshippers from surrounding areas. Hideyo’s father, Sayosuke, was reportedly related by blood to INAWASHIRO Kensai, who in the Muromachi era (1336 to 1573) was considered a genius in the art of writing renga, linked-verse poetry. Sayosuke frequently took Hideyo to visit the shrine. Hideyo demonstrated academic excellence in such a rural area as such, he was often referred to as the second INAWASHIROKensai.